Why we’re building AI agents.We stopped all active product development when chatGPT launched. For the first few days our (combined) jaws dropped at what it was capable…Feb 29, 20241Feb 29, 20241
Turning 40. Bootstrapping for 5 years, and 15 years of marriage.I turned 40 last month, been running a startup for 5 years, and married for 15. Thought this is a good time to spew some gyan on turning…Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
Automated reviews for clean code — private beta launchWe are building a product that reviews code like how a developer would, for parameters that we’ve seen mostly matter in the real world…Apr 27, 2020Apr 27, 2020
Hiring Customer Support Associate for GeektrustWe’re hiring a customer happiness associate to be a part of Geektrust!Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020
How we automated code evaluation for clean code“What? Automating for clean code?” followed by a look of skepticism is what happens when we talk about building Codu.Dec 10, 20191Dec 10, 20191
Automated code reviews. For clean code.We’re building an ML product that’ll review for clean code.Dec 6, 20191Dec 6, 20191
Notes on 4 years of starting upLeaving our corporate career and starting something of our own is a dream for many people. The number of people who wrote in to me when…Jan 25, 201912Jan 25, 201912