The Days of Kalee, a tech comic strip
There’s a lot of intended and unintended humour in the vast corridors of Indian tech companies. With ‘The Days of Kalee’, we are exploring this world.
Every day I go to work, there’s something that makes me laugh, think, get angry about, etc. I’m guessing this is true for everyone, and I don’t have a disorder.
‘The Days of Kalee’ is an effort by Rahil Mohsin and me to bring out the humour we see all around us in our office spaces.
This first strip is about a techie’s first day at a new work place. We all know the feeling of excitement and mild fear. When we meet someone who feels like a friend is when the anxiety is reduced.
Some of my best friends are people I met on the first day of my job. I re-met my wife at my work place. I’m sure many of us have had similar experiences.
We hope to explore different slices of the tech life in upcoming strips. To stay updated with ‘The Days of Kalee’, subscribe to our blog here.